Mounting A Vigorous Defense Against Probation Violation Charges
In New York, you can face five years on probation for a felony charge and three years on probation for a Class A misdemeanor. If you are on probation, you must comply with the terms of your probation for a long time.
I have more than 35 years of legal experience and was an assistant district attorney in Queens County. I believe that everyone is entitled to a vigorous defense, and I understand the criminal justice system and procedures.
If you have been charged with violating probation, take immediate action to avoid jail. Contact me, Barbara Wilkanowski, for an aggressive defense. Call toll free at 866-308-7620 or send an email to schedule your free initial consultation.
Violating The Court’s Terms Can Have Severe Consequences
The terms and conditions of probation may include reporting regularly to your probation officer, not using drugs or alcohol and not getting arrested on suspicion of an additional crime, among others. A probation violation could result in:
- Jail time
- Revocation of probation
- Modification of terms of probation
As your probation violation defense attorney, I can fight the charges against you and help you avoid the serious repercussions. I can fight to keep the terms and conditions of probation the same as before the violation and help you avoid jail time.
Limit The Damage
Do not delay in seeking legal help to fight probation violation charges. Located in Flushing, I represent clients throughout Queens. Call toll-free at 866-308-7620 or send an email to schedule your free consultation with a lawyer who is committed to protecting your rights.