Exploring All Angles When Designing An Aggressive DWI Defense Strategy
As enforcement and testing technologies continue to advance, it gets even more challenging to beat a charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI) in New York. However, police do make mistakes and commit procedural violations.
The best decision you can make if you have been arrested in Queens or any nearby community is to contact a defense lawyer who will look at every angle of your case and work to understand your personal priorities.
Able To Find Holes In The Prosecution’s Case
Having spent over 35 years as a prosecutor in Queens and more recent years focused intently on the protection of my clients, including many accused of DWI, I have strong knowledge of all viable DWI defense strategies.
I always scrutinize police reports and videos, when available, for inconsistencies and violations of my clients’ rights. Key, basic considerations include:
- Did the police have probable cause for the traffic stop and arrest?
- Were you properly informed of your constitutional rights and given the opportunity to contact an attorney?
- Was blood alcohol concentration testing equipment in proper working order and used correctly?
- Were samples and any other evidence handled properly through every phase of the process?
I will ask the right questions and learn everything I can about the events leading up to your arrest and your time in police custody. Together, we can talk through other critical factors and their likely impact on your case — such as the more limited options you have if you refused a breath or blood test, or the necessity to fight this charge in light of your record of DWI charges or other alcohol-related driving charges.
Get The Facts And Guidance You Need: 866-308-7620
Ultimately, the decision whether to fight for an acquittal at trial or negotiate for consequences you can live with is entirely yours. When you work with me, highly regarded defense attorney Barbara Wilkanowski in Flushing, you can count on me to assess all the factors in your case and honest perspective on likely outcomes. For a free initial consultation, send an email now.